Mô tả ngắn:
РМ1604А/PM1604В. Máy đo bức xạ bỏ túiGiá bán : thỏa thuận, vui lòng liên hệ: 0976 275 983/ 0941 88 99 83, email: hoanganhquy2009@gmail.com - Mr. Hoàng Anh Quý!
Chi tiết:
Polimaster's PM1604A and PM1604B models are energy-compensated personal dosimeters of pocket size that measure personal dose equivalent Hp(10) and personal dose equivalent rate Hp(10) of both gamma and X-ray radiation.
Pocket dosimeters are recommended for use by professionals who work with or around the radioactive materials. The PM1604A and PM1604B perform the following functions:
- Monitoring and measurement of the ambient dose equivalent and ambient dose equivalent rate across wide energy range: from the natural background level up to 5-10 Sv/h (500-1000 R/h);
- Alerting the user through an audible alarm when the preset dose and/or dose rate thresholds are exceeded;
- Recording and storing data for up to 1000 events (500 DER + 500 DE) in their non-volatile memory;
- Transmitting all recorded data via an infrared channel to a PC for further processing and analysis.
To protect users from overexposure, the dosimeters have two alarm thresholds. If the preset dose and dose rate thresholds are exceeded, the dosimeter immediately alerts the user of the danger of irradiation through an audible alarm.
The instrument's hermetic and shockproof case and the fluorescent backlight on LCD screen allow for easy operation and precision even in the most harsh and unfavorable environments or weather conditions.
If the dosimeter is contaminated with radioactive dust, it can be easily cleaned with radiation decontamination solutions
Standards compliance
Designed to meet ANSI N42.20 - 2006 and IEC 61526: 2010 requirements