Mô tả ngắn:
Projector 880 Sigma – Sentinel. Thiết bị chụp ảnh phóng xạ80 Sigma – Sentinel.Giá bán : thỏa thuận, vui lòng liên hệ: 0976 275 983/ 0941 88 99 83, email: hoanganhquy2009@gmail.com - Mr. Hoàng Anh Quý!
Chi tiết:
+ Model series 880 Sigama.
+ Primary application: Industrial gamma radiography
+ Dimensions:
- Length: 13.33in (33.8cm).
- Width: 7.5in (19.1cm).
- Height: 9in (22.9cm).
- Weight of exposure dvice: 52lb (23.6kg).
+ Activity of depleted Uranium shield: 5.4mCi (200MBq).
+ Certification: Type B(U) package, USDOT Certification Number USA/9296/B(U)-96.
+ Accreditation: Tested and manufactured to meet the requirements of ANSI N432 – 1980, ISO 3999-1 2000E, IAEA TS-R-1 (1996), USNRC 10 CFR34, 10CFR71 and 49CFR173. Additionally, the exposure devices are designed, manufactured and in accordance with USNRC 10CFR71, Subpart H. The QA program also includes the reporting requirements of USNRC 10CFR21 for suppliers of source and byproduct materials.
+ Construction:
- Exposure device: Depleted Uranium (DU) shield encased within a welded tubular stainless steel shell with stainless steel end plates. Interior void space filled with rigid polyurethane foam.
- Removable jacket: One-piece, high impact resistant, plastic jacket incorporating a carrying handle anhd base.
+ Materials: Tianium ‘S’ tube, DU shield, 300 series stainless steel tubular shell and plates, aluminum, brass, tungsten and polyurethane.
+ Maximum capacities: 130Ci (4.81TBq).
+ Source assembly and authorized contents:
USNRC Model Number: A424-9 source assembly with a doubly encapsulated Ir-192 sealed souce. The IAEA/USDOT Special Form Certificate number is USA/0335/S. In addition, the following isotopes may also be utilized in the 880 series exposure devices.
Isotope Ytterbium-169 Selenium-75 Iridium-192 Cobalt-60
Assembly model number 918 A424-25W A424-9 A424-19
Gamma energy range 8-308keV 66-401keV 206-612keV 1.17-1.33MeV
Half life 32 days 120 days 74 days 5.27 years
Approximate steel working thickness 2-20mm 3-29mm 12-63mm 50-150mm
Device/source maximum capacity 20Ci; 0.74TBq; 80Ci; 3.00TBq; 130Ci; 4.81TBq; 25mCi; 925MBq
+ Controls and guide tubes: Compatible with standard (660 type) remote controls and source guide tubes.
+ Inspection requirements: Daily pre-operational inspection for obvious damage to the system.
+ Maintenance requirements: Most national regulations require inspection and maintenance of the system at quarterly intervals. The complete annual servicing ensures the integrity of the system
Shorter frequencies of inspection and maintenance are required when the system is operated under severe operating environments. In some cases, the system should be serviced immediately after certain jobs in severe environmental working conditions.
+ Operating temperature range: -400 to 3000F (-400C to 1490C).