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The successful use of gamma radiography depends on the ability to provide sufficient radiation to penetrate the weld and produce an image of acceptable resolution and contrast on the processed radiographic film. Isotopes with low gamma energies don’t give a good quality due to the inability to penetrate the object being imaged but well Se-75 which Gamma Spectrum is from 66 keV to 401 keV, with two lines of high intensity at 136 keV and 265 keV. The resultant average energy of 217 keV is lower than the 353 keV for Ir-192. This means that the Se-75 give better image quality compare to Ir-192 due to less energy.
• Half Life: (119.8 days) is 60 % more than Ir-192 (74 days).
• Steel Working Thicknesses: from 2 mm to 25 mm.
• Exposure Rate Constant at 1 m: 0,203 R-m2 /hr-Ci.
• Less Dose Rate: comparing with Ir-192 (55μSv/hr/GBq at 1 meter for Se-75 and 130μSv/hr/GBq at 1 meter for Ir-192).
• Radiation Area: is more favourable (± 13 meters) when compared with Ir-192 (± 28 meters).
• HVL: Fe 24 mm, Tg 2,7 mm.
• TVL: Fe 58 mm, Tg 8,2 mm.
• Only One reloading per year with a source of Se-75 (100 Ci).
Double Capsule containing the isotope as pressed selenium powder. Internal Vanadium capsule pulse laser welded, external stainless steel capsule argon arc welded.
Technical Specifications:
Main Application Gamma radiography
Se-75 Half Life 119.8 days
Recommended Working Life 2 years
Se-75 Capsules Types SR, GS
Material Vanadium / Stainless Steel
Activity (depending dimensions) Max 200 Ci (7400 GBq)
Identification Unique Serial Number
Certificate Material Special Form RUS/6223/S-96